How to Make an Occupied Bed
If you have a loved one that is too sick to get up while you change the bed linens, you can make the bed while she's still in it. It takes a bit of finesse. But with some practice, you can make an occupied bed without even touching the clean bed lines to the soiled ones.Instructions
Gather the clean sheets. Set them on a chair or table nearby. Give the patient his bath before beginning this procedure. Work quickly so the patient doesn't chill.
Roll the person over to one side of the bed. It helps if she's somewhat mobile. If not, you may need some assistance.
Remove the top blanket. Set it on a clean spot if you're going to put it back on the occupied bed.
Untuck the sheets all the way around. Remove the top sheet. Push the lengthwise side of the bottom sheet to the side of the bed where the patient is lying.
Place the clean bottom sheet in place lengthwise on the cleared side of the occupied bed. Roll the bed's occupant over the pile of soiled sheets and on to the clean side of the bed.
Take the soiled sheets from the bed. Pull the rest of the bottom sheet into place. Place the top sheet in place and tuck it in. Put the blanket back into place as well.
Extract the pillow gently from under the head of the bed's occupant. Change pillowcases and replace the pillow on the bed. Make sure the occupant is comfortable and warm.