How to Find a Personal Care Home to Fit Specific Needs

When you are looking for a personal care home, then you probably have a loved one in your life who needs to have special care for specific needs. There are a few different types of personal care home, such as those that care for the elderly or those that care for people with specific disabilities. No matter what, you should take the time to research different homes to make sure you locate the one that is able to provide your loved one with the specific services that are required.


    • 1

      Take a tour of the personal care homes you're considering. A tour will show you if the atmosphere can satisfy some of the specific needs your loved one has. For example, your loved one might need a shower with a seat inside.

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      Talk to the staff. While taking the tour, make a point of talking to as many staff members as you can. This helps you get an idea of how friendly and helpful they are, which can indicate how they treat the residents of the home and respond to their specific needs.

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      Get a list of all the specific services the personal care home offers. Compare this list to the specific needs you need filled, such as help with grooming, assistance with eating or rehabilitation programs.

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      Find out what the personal care home specializes in. You can generally determine this by talking with senior-level staff, such as the director of the home, or by reading literature about the home. While the personal care home might offer rehabilitation for dementia patients, for example, that does not necessarily mean they specialize in this area. A home that specializes in treating dementia might be a better fit for your loved one's specific needs.

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      Follow up with any questions you have about services. The personal care home staff should be happy to assist you. For example, if "emergency response" is listed as a service, you might want to get a better idea of what that means and what types of training the staff has to qualify them for emergency response.

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