Alternatives to Adult Diapers
Male Cups
The male cup device is designed to catch a man's urine stream. It is usually designed to surround the man's private area so that the urine does not leak out. The device can then attach to a bag that collects the urine. The bag is strapped to the man's leg, and he can still wear pants and go about his normal daily activities. The bag that collects the urine gets emptied and cleaned on a daily basis.
Soft insertable pads are placed on the normal undergarment to catch incontinent accidents. These pads can be disposable or made out of cloth, and they are designed to soak up any stray drops of urine that come out. The pads look like sanitary napkins that women use for menstrual flows but are longer and cover a larger area. The pads are changed whenever they get wet from incontinent accidents.
Plastic Undergarments
Plastic undergarments are an alternative to adult diapers. The plastic underwear will keep in moisture so that it does not soak clothing. The only problem with plastic undergarments is that the moisture is kept close to the body, which could potentially cause rashes and discomfort. Cloth is usually placed between the plastic and the body to absorb the moisture.
Bed Pads
Flat cloth bed pads are an alternative to adult diapers when the adult is sitting on a chair or in bed. The bed pads are large, sturdy squares of cloth that the adult sits or lies down on. The cloth will soak up any incontinent spills. These square cloths can be washed and be reused again and again.