About Adult Foster Care Homes
Adult foster care residential providers are required to furnish a licensed home that has been checked for safety and other necessities. They are required to provide at least three healthy meals with snacks.
Should the resident need help with setting up transportation for non-medical appointments, that also is provided. Expendable items such as soap, laundry services, personal hygiene supplies and toiletries also are furnished. Since adult foster homes consist of a group living situation, residents learn how to socialize and be responsible for daily chores
Individuals Suitable for Adult Foster Care
Living independently. Since adult foster care homes are not meant to provide comprehensive nursing services, it is important that prospective residents are oriented to place, time and person so that they do not become a danger to others or themselves. Residents must be able to live independently and require minimal supervision when dressing, getting around, taking care of their own personal hygiene and making arrangements for transportation when needed.
They must also be in control of bladder and bowel habits. Should the person become incontinent occasionally and can take care of self-cleaning, this is acceptable.
People Not Suitable for Adult Foster Care
Those who are not good candidates for an adult foster home situation are those with an infectious or communicable disease. If the individual is unwilling or unable to honor the rules of the residence, is disruptive on a continuing basis or has behavior problems, this person would not be a good match. Prospective residents must be able to self-medicate with minimal monitoring or supervision.
Should the resident require any type of care of supervision of a registered practical nurse, the foster home would not be able to provide such services.
Occupants are ascertained suitable for state adult foster care payment assistance under the equivalent method applied for long-term aid assistance. The potential for state compensation assistance for adult foster care occupants requires obtaining a form from a benefits specialist, by the state's economic assistance division, accountable for the nursing facility application. The forms are essential in meeting the fiscal prerequisites and needs of the family.
Additionally, the state's social services department medical examination team must ascertain whether someone is in demand of an adult foster care degree of maintenance.
The funding administrators will look at the potential residents' past and present medical history to determine eligibility.
State licensure Every adult foster care facility is required to be licensed under that state's health department guidelines. By establishing minimum rules and standards, each license is designed to insure safety, sanitary living conditions, to avoid neglect and the exploitation of residents in any manner.