Benefits of a Health Savings Account
Out of Pocket Expenses
The funds that the account holder deposits into the account are used to cover the deductible, which is a fixed dollar amount that you must pay out-of-pocket before your health insurance begins to cover any expenses.
Any contributions to a Health Savings Account are not subject to any federal income tax. Withdrawals are also tax-free for any qualifying health expenses.
Lower Premiums
Thanks to the Health Savings Account, the cost of a High Deductible Health Plan is much lower than that of a traditional health insurance policy.
The deposited funds earn and accumulate interest and can even be invested in the stock market.
Any funds that are not used are "rolled over" from one year to the next. It is always available to the account holder.
Consumer Driven
The account holder has sole discretion in making his own health care choices, determining how the HAS deposits are spent.