What services are offered at Trizetto Healthcare?
1. End-to-End Payment Solutions:
- Revenue cycle management
- Claims and remittance management
- Eligibility verification
- Claim appeals and resolution
- Medical billing
- Payment posting and reconciliation
2. Care Management Solutions:
- Disease management
- Patient engagement
- Utilization management
- Case management
- Population health management
- Value-based care analytics
3. Provider Credentialing and Enrollment Services:
- Provider data management
- Credentialing and enrollment verification
- Payer enrollment and contracting
4. Real-Time Benefit Verification:
- Medicare-mandated eligibility verification for all healthcare providers
- Eligibility-related patient balances
- Coinsurance, copay, deductible information
- Benefit limits
5. Patient Engagement Solutions:
- Patient portals
- Secure messaging
- Bill payment options
- Appointment reminders
- Personalized healthcare information
6. Healthcare Analytics:
- Business intelligence and reporting
- Predictive modeling
- Performance measurement
- Benchmarking
- Healthcare cost analysis
7. Consulting Services:
- Healthcare consulting
- IT consulting
- Financial consulting
- Data analytics consulting
8. Compliance Solutions:
- HIPAA compliance
- Meaningful Use compliance
- ICD-10 coding
- Medicare Advantage and Part D compliance
9. Customer Support and Training:
- 24/7 customer support
- Online customer support portal
- Webinars and training sessions
- Educational resources
10. Interoperability Solutions:
- APIs and integration services for healthcare data exchange.
- Standards based communication protocols.