Bundled EAP Vs. Stand Alone EAP
Bundled EAP
Companies provide bundled EAP programs to their employees because they offer a wider selection of services and specialists to choose from. A bundled EAP is beneficial for people requiring extensive therapy for problems such as substance abuse.
Stand Alone EAP
A company partners with one particular specialist in a stand alone EAP. Employees can seek counseling with this therapist no matter what type of mental health disorder they may be suffering from.
Bundled EAP Advantages
A bundled EAP offers more services and professionals to meet everyone's health care needs. The program can include specialists able to address any mental health illness and provide the treatment and counseling needed.
Stand Alone EAP Advantages
Stand alone EAP programs offer employees one general therapist to address many different mental health needs. This specialist is qualified to handle more than just one specific issue and can treat a variety of mental health issues.