How to Start an Adult Day Care in Miami
Log on to the Internet and download the Healthcare Licensing Application Form. (See Resources) Fill this form in with information about yourself, as well as other financial backers, members of the proposed board, as well as any prospective employees.
Fill out the Adult Day Care Center application, (See Resources) in which you must detail the services you will be offering. Be as detailed as possible, as the agency may have reservations about some of the services and may be able to suggest alternatives.
Provide a Statement of Operations which shows you have the financial security for this process. You will also need to show that you have liability insurance. Include in the application any relevant permission from a zoning commission about the viability of a day care center.
Complete a background check for all employees, including yourself. This is essential for running an Adult Day Care Center. The forms can be found on the website of the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration. (See Resources)
Submit to regular inspections once your center is running. You will also have to show evidence of emergency planning and have safety procedures in place for a variety of contingencies.