What Is Medi-Cal Planning?
California residents eligible for the Medi-Cal plan include seniors, families with children, people with disabilities, children in foster care and pregnant women. The plan also covers low-income individuals with diseases such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and breast cancer.
Benefits to Medi-Cal insurance include clinic services, long-term care, mental health services, physician-administered drugs, vision assistance, inpatient/outpatient services, medical equipment and transportation.
California residents can apply for Medi-Cal coverage by calling their County Social Services office and asking for an application form, available in 11 languages. Alternatively, the application form can be downloaded from the Medi-Cal website. The form must then be taken or mailed in to the nearest social services agency in the resident's county. Include the necessary verification documentation. The resident will receive his Medi-Cal card (BIC) in the mail.