How to Qualify for Medicaid in Vermont

Health care is expensive for everyone, but the cost can be an especially serious burden for low income individuals. If you live in Vermont, you may qualify for Medicaid, which provides low cost or free coverage to eligible individuals, according to the Green Mountain Care website. Eligibility categories include children under age 21, pregnant women, parents and disabled individuals and people age 65 and older. You must also meet the income and asset limits in order to participate in the program.


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      Obtain an application for the Vermont Medicaid. You can get an application by calling Green Mountain Care or visiting their website to download an application. You may also apply online directly via the My Benefits page of the Vermont Department of Children and Families. See the link in References below.

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      Fill out the application. Carefully answer all application questions, which will help caseworkers determine your eligibility for the program. Be prepared to furnish information regarding your household composition, income, assets and certain expenses, such as daycare. You are also asked about special medical circumstances you are facing, such as pregnancy or a disability.

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      Gather supporting documentation. Depending on your circumstances, you may also be required to submit documentation with your application. Pregnant women, for example, must attach proof of pregnancy.

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      Submit the application. If you apply online, you may submit your application directly through the website. If you complete a paper application, return it to the Department for Children and Families Economic Services Division.

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