Medicaid Network Doctors
Medicaid Physicians and Specialists
If you live in South Carolina you can visit to view a complete listing of all of the Medicaid network doctors and clinics in the state. The listing offers names, addresses and phone numbers of more than 150 doctors in 43 counties that accept Medicaid patients. If you are a Medicaid recipient residing in Arizona, Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Utah or Wyoming, the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing provides an online search engine that will direct you to Medicaid doctors in your area when you enter specific criteria such as location and type of provider.
Medicaid Dentists
Though coverage varies from state to state and by the age of the recipient, Medicaid typically covers general oral health care procedures for adults, and additional dentistry treatments for children under 18. If you live in North Carolina you can visit the website, where you'll find frequently updated listings of all the dentists that accept Medicaid statewide. As of 2010 the listing includes the names, addresses and phone numbers of more than 300 general dentists, pediatric dentists, orthodontists, periodontists, oral surgeons and endodontists who treat Medicaid patients in North Carolina.
Types of Medicaid Network Doctors
Besides general physicians and dentists, Medicaid networks often include doctors who provide specialty services such as psychiatry, dermatology, obstetrics, gynecology and much more. Depending on your age, illness or condition and the state you live in, coverage may vary, but many specialty medical services are covered by Medicaid for patients nationwide, particularly for children. Check with your local state department of health and human services to find out what type of specialty physicians and surgeons accept your Medicaid card and which services are covered.
Emergency Room Visits
No matter what your age, illness or state of residence your Medicaid card will always be accepted in any hospital for emergency room services. All hospitals are required by law to accept patients visiting the emergency room regardless of lack of insurance or ability to pay upfront. If you have a medical issue that needs attention and are unable to locate a medicaid network doctor, you may visit an emergency room for immediate care treatment, and most times the attending physician can refer you to a Medicaid doctor who can provide your aftercare.