Tennessee Medicaid Rules
Income Guidelines
Income is defined as money coming into the home. Income can be employment wages, child support, retirement benefits or pensions. If you are married, your spouse's income will also be included when figuring total monthly income. Other factors that are figured in when determining eligibility are resources such as vehicles, bank accounts, real estate and items that can be sold for cash. Applicants must not have resources exceeding the limits set by the state for their particular family size. TennCare provides an online screening tool that will give a rough estimate on whether you may qualify for Medicaid.
Necessary Documents
When applying for TennCare, certain personal documents must be provided to the case worker. A birth certificate, Social Security card and current drivers license or photo ID is required for each person listed on the application. In addition, earnings statements must be provided for each person in the household for the previous three months. You will need to provide documentation of all current assets, such as checking and savings account statements. The case worker may ask to see a current utility bill as proof of residence.
How to Apply
A TennCare application is available from the local Human Services office. A complete listing of local Human Services offices for each county is found on the TennCare website. If you are unable to pick up your application in person, your local Human Services office will mail you one. The Department of Human Services offers assistance to those who are unable to fill out their application on their own. Once the application is completed and the supporting documents are gathered, applications can be mailed, faxed or dropped off in person. The TennCare website also allows for applicants to complete the application process online. After the completed application is received by Human Services, they will notify you if additional information is required.