Medicaid Coding Rules
Level I Codes
Level I codes consist of Current Procedural Terminology (CPT). The American Medical Association defines CPT codes and updates them yearly.
Level II Codes
Level II codes define services and procedures that patients receive. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) define level II codes and update them as needed.
Reporting Codes
The NCCI automatically edits codes for services that should not be reported together. If two codes are reported together that should not be, Medicaid pays for the first code but not the second one. For instance, it is impossible for a female to have both a vaginal and abdominal hysterectomy on the same day.
Modifiers are used when a medical condition necessitates that service and procedures occur at the same time where the NCCI would normally not allow. Modifiers are numbered codes that attach to HCPCS and CPT codes. They supply more in-depth information about the services provided.
NCCI Edits
Medicaid NCCI edits apply to all services with the same date of service for the same Medicaid recipient. It does not matter if the services are reported on the same of separate claims, NCCI edits the date of service, level I codes, level II codes, modifiers, beneficiary and provider.