Medicaid Rules About Inheritance Without a Trust
Countable Resources
Depending on the Medicaid rules of each state, a person's assets must fall below a certain amount, called a threshold, to be eligible for benefits. Assets such as bank accounts jointly owned with a spouse, jointly owned property, property sales, and inheritance as a lump sum without a trust are considered countable resources--i.e., income. If the total of those amounts exceeds the threshold, the person's application will be denied or his Medicaid benefits will be discontinued.
Assets Transfer
The person cannot transfer assets, such as an inheritance without a trust, to anyone else to become eligible for Medicaid nursing home benefits. Medicaid reviews the person's records for a "look-back period" of five years to detect any transfers of inheritance. If Medicaid finds that a transfer occurred, the person will lose eligibility for benefits for a certain time as a penalty, according to the Supplemental Needs Trust Organization. The penalty period varies based on the value of property sold for less than market value, or on the value of the money received.
Spending Down
Many people try to "spend down" assets, including an inheritance without a trust, to become eligible for Medicaid benefits. A trust is designed to keep an inheritance from being a countable asset, and thus can help establish eligibility for long-term care assistance under Medicaid.