What is the average career salary of a doctor?
For example, the highest-paid specialties include Orthopedics ($511,000), Dermatology ($491,000), and Cardiology ($489,000). On the other hand, the lowest-paid specialties include Pediatrics ($236,000), Family Medicine ($233,000), and Internal Medicine ($228,000).
In terms of years of experience, the average annual salary for physicians with 1-5 years of experience was $251,000, while the average annual salary for physicians with 21+ years of experience was $424,000.
Geographic location also plays a significant role in physician salaries. The highest-paying states include California ($444,000), Massachusetts ($434,000), and New Jersey ($429,000). On the other hand, the lowest-paying states include Mississippi ($207,000), Arkansas ($210,000), and Oklahoma ($212,000).
It's worth noting that these figures represent averages and there can be significant variation within each specialty and geographic location. Factors such as individual practice settings, patient mix, and compensation structures can all affect physician salaries.