Why did Medusa become Medusa?
- According to one version, Medusa was originally a beautiful priestess of the goddess Athena. However, she was cursed and transformed into a hideous Gorgon by Athena herself. One of the reasons given for this transformation is that Medusa broke her vow of chastity and had a romantic affair with the sea god Poseidon. As a punishment, Athena turned Medusa's beautiful hair into writhing snakes, gave her a terrifying gaze that could turn anyone to stone, and banished her to a remote island.
- Another variation of the story suggests that Medusa was not always a monster but was born as a Gorgon. In this version, Medusa and her sisters, Stheno and Euryale, were all born as monstrous Gorgons. They had sharp teeth, claws, and snakes for hair, and they were known for their fearsome appearance and ability to turn people to stone.
- In Ovid's version of the myth, Medusa was originally a beautiful mortal woman who was seduced by the god Poseidon in Athena's temple. Enraged by this act of desecration, Athena transformed Medusa into a hideous creature with snakes for hair and the ability to turn people to stone. Her two sisters, Stheno and Euryale, were also turned into Gorgons by Athena.
It's important to note that there can be variations in the stories and interpretations within Greek mythology, and different sources may provide different details.