Information About the Medicaid Enhanced Benefits Program

If you're a Florida resident enrolled in Medicaid you're instantly eligible for its Enhanced Benefits Rewards Program. All you need do is get involved in one or more healthy practices, report your efforts on the correct form and earn credits to buy over-the-counter items from your pharmacy by simply showing your Medicaid ID card to the cashier.
  1. Function

    • The Florida Medicaid Enhanced Benefits Program rewards plan participants for doing something healthy to change their lives, such as quitting smoking or going to Alcoholics Anonymous. Earn credits by tapping into approved health-oriented programs through your health plan, at your local community center, through nonprofit organizations or when your doctor performs an approved procedure.


    • Medicaid will send you a letter when you've earned credits, but it may take up to 90 days to show up on your statement. Earned credits are limited to $125 per year, and they can only be used to buy health-related items from participating pharmacies. A list of approved items can be downloaded from the Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration website (see Resources).


    • Submit the Enhanced Benefits Universal Form to report healthy behaviors within one year, or have your doctor submit a claim, if applicable. Download the Universal form from the Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration website or by calling customer service at 1-866-421-8474. Only healthy behaviors listed on the Universal Form are eligible for credits.

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