Connecticut Medicaid Income Eligibility Requirements
As of 2010, pregnant women are eligible for Connecticut Medicaid if their income is at or below 250 percent of the Federal Poverty Level. Parents and caregivers of eligible children can receive Medicaid if their income is not greater than 185 percent of the FPL. Adults age 19 to 64 without qualifying children may qualify if income does not exceed 56 to 68 percent of the FPL, depending on the region. Adults without children who don't meet income requirements may still qualify if out-of-pocket medical payments bring their income down to qualifying limits.
Children up to age 19 qualify for Medicaid if family income doesn't exceed 185 percent of the FPL. Children with household incomes above 185 percent of the FPL may qualify for HUSKY B Medicaid. Medical services provided under this plan require co-payments or premium fees. HUSKY B contains three income tiers and out-of-pocket expenses depend on your income.
Elderly Adults
Low-income adults age 65 and older may qualify for Medically Needy Income Limit Medicaid if their income does not exceed 56 to 68 percent of the FPL, depending on the region. You may deduct medical bills from your income to qualify for Medically Needy Medicaid. Medicaid can be used in conjunction with Medicare to offset health care costs. Asset limits apply and eligible applicants are allowed $1,600 for singles or $2,400 for couples. Asset limits do not include transportation and housing.
Disabled Adults
Adults with disabilities also qualify for Medically Needy Medicaid if their income falls between 56 to 68 percent of the FPL. Disabled adults must meet $1,600 single or $2,400 married asset limits.
Working disabled adults may qualify for Medicaid for the Employed Disabled if their individual income does not exceed $75,000 annually. Spousal income is not used to determine eligibility. Disabled adults enrolled in Medicaid for the Employed Disabled may have assets up to $10,000 for singles or $15,000 for couples.
Connecticut offers Medicaid Waivers to individuals who don't meet income and other eligibility requirements for traditional Medicaid. The waivers are geared toward disabled, elderly or medically needy individuals, and offer health care coverage through Medicaid and other state and federal programs.
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