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How to Locate the Medicaid Office
Medicaid is a federal program but is managed independently by each state. Each state refers to the department that oversees the allocation of Medicaid benefits by a different name. Texas, for example, refers to this department as Health and Human Services Commission. California manages Medicaid through the Department of Health Care Services, and Oklahoma refers to his office as the Department of Human Services. You can find a local office by browsing the phone book or by contacting directory assistance, or you can use the National Association of State Medicaid Directors online resource.Instructions
Consider the state where you will be applying for Medicaid services. Each state manages its Medicaid program for qualified residents.
Go to the National Association of State Medicaid Directors website and select the state in which you live. The link will redirect you to the official state website.
Browse the website for contact and local office location information. Each state will have multiple offices to handle the influx of local applicants. For example, on Montana's DPHHS website, select the "Contact Us" link to access the Local and Tribal Agencies list.