Georgia Medicaid Qualifications & Regulations
Income and Assets
To qualify for Medicaid, applicants must prove their income and assets are below the state's limits. Income limits often depend on federal poverty guidelines. As of 2009, for example, a pregnant woman's family income level had to be at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty level to qualify for Medicaid for pregnant women and infants.
As of 2006, only U.S. citizens or nationals qualify for Medicaid coverage. The DCH recommends using a U.S. passport, certificate of naturalization or certificate of citizenship to prove citizenship status, but also accepts documents such as birth certificates or adoption papers if presented in conjunction with state- or government-issued photo identification.
Medicaid covers a wide variety of services, but does impose some limitations. In general, Medicaid does not cover procedures that are not medically necessary, private nursing, services or care provided by family members, cosmetic surgery and experimental procedures.