Missouri Medicaid Program Qualifications for Adults
Missouri's Medicaid program is largely based on income level, giving priority to lower-income individuals. Those who receive welfare benefits like the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) from the Family Support Division, even if temporary, are eligible.
Working parents must earn less than 42 percent of the federal poverty level, while non-working parents may make a maximum of 22 percent.
Pregnant women are eligible for Medicaid in Missouri if they earn at least 185 percent of the federal poverty level. Coverage continues through a 60-day postpartum period. Services covered include health screenings, immunizations and medical exams. For some services, coverage is limited to women 21 years old or older.
Women currently receiving treatment for breast or cervical cancer may also qualify for Medicaid coverage. The woman must be under 65 years old and screened by Missouri's Show Me Healthy Women (SMHW) Program. The SMHW program limits its services to women by income and family size. In 2009, qualifying single women must not have earned more than $21,660 annually.
Individuals who are 65 years or older are eligible to receive Medicaid. Net income limit is set at 85 percent of the poverty level and the person must have less than $1,000, or $2,000 if married, in resources. Elderly individuals may receive Medicaid help for nursing care if the facility's rate is higher than the person's income.
Those who are disabled are eligible to receive Medicaid if their net income is below 85 percent of the federal poverty level. Available resources must be less than $1,000. Disabled individuals who are already on Medicare may also qualify for Medicaid.
Individuals suffering from blindness are eligible under Missouri's standards for Medicaid. Net income limits are set at 100 percent of the federal poverty level. Individuals must also have $2,000 or less in resources.
For further assistance, Missouri includes a pension and supplemental aid for the blind under the Medicare program. To qualify for the pension, individuals must not be eligible for SSI and have less than $20,000 in property value. For supplemental aid, individuals must apply to receive SSI and have an income of less than $728 a month.
Medical Debt
Those with a high amount of medical expenses may still qualify for Medicaid. If the amount of medical expenses subtracted from a person's income falls within the income requirement, they are eligible for coverage. Individuals with a large medical expense include those with costly prescriptions and nursing home care.