Florida Medicaid for Pregnancy
Pregnancy can be scary for a woman if she does not have the means to pay for health care. For Florida residents, Florida Medicaid for pregnancy can help with the costs of prenatal care.-
Presumptively Eligible Medicaid for pregnant women is a temporary coverage. Pregnant women can use the coverage to receive outpatient prenatal care. This type of coverage is only good for a maximum of 60 days.Simplified Eligibility Medicaid for pregnant women is valid from the time a woman is found to be eligible until two months after the woman gives birth to the baby.
To be eligible for both types of Florida Medicaid for pregnancy, the woman needs to meet income guidelines. The amount her household can make will vary on the family's size. To obtain Simplified Eligibility Medicaid, the woman will need to provide proof of pregnancy from a medical professional and proof of citizenship.
Florida Medicaid for pregnancy will cover the cost of prenatal care for the woman and her baby. The woman will not have to put off necessary prenatal visits because she can't afford to pay for them.