Age and Income Requirements for Medicaid
Medicaid is a health insurance program operated jointly by the federal and state governments to provide people who have a low income or are in financial need to cover medical expenses for themselves or their families. Medicaid provides services for elderly, children, the blind, and those with other disabilities. Medicaid also includes those people who are financially eligible to receive federally funded supplemental income aid. Thirty two states and the District of Columbia provide Medicaid . Virginia, Hawaii, Oklahoma, Illinois, Ohio, Indiana, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire and North Dakota have their own eligibility rules for Medicaid. Alaska, Kansas, Idaho, Nebraska, Nevada, Oregon and Utah require that Medicaid benefits are filed for separately from other federal assistance.-
There are no age requirements on Medicaid. To qualify for Medicaid the person must have high medical bills, be disabled, require Medicaid to work, be receiving Social Security Income or meet specific financial requirements. Pregnant women, infants, children, adults and elderly all can receive Medicaid if they meet one or more of these specific standards.
Income qualifying levels differ for singles, couples, families and the disabled. Medicaid standards for qualifying for singles, couples without children and low income families for one person as of January 1, 2009, was $8,479 per year or $707 monthly. For families or individuals who are blind, disabled or over 65, the maximum income yearly to qualify is $9,200 for one person. Those with a resource level (individuals who are blind, disabled or over 65 only) of $13,800 or under also qualify to receive Medicaid.
Expanded Income
For children and pregnant women, Medicaid developed and expanded the income requirements to make it easier for people to qualify. Infants under age one and women who are pregnant qualify for Medicaid with an income that is 200 percent of the poverty level. As of January 1, 2009, 200 percent of the poverty level is $1,805 per month for a single person. Children ages 1 through 5 qualify if they are under 133 percent of the poverty level. Children ages 6 through 18 qualify for Medicaid if their income is 100 percent of the federal poverty level.