New Jersey's Medicaid Rules
You must be a U.S. citizen and resident of New Jersey, and fall into one of the following eligibility groups: pregnant, family with dependent children, 65 years of age or older, blind or permanently disabled. Legal aliens who were admitted into the U.S. on or after August 22, 1996, are banned from receiving Medicaid during the first five years of their residency, unless they are a refugee or asylee. Illegal immigrants, legal aliens still under the ban, and non-immigrant tourists or visitors may apply for emergency medical assistance under the Emergency Payment Program for Aliens.
Families With Children
To qualify for Medicaid, a family's total income must be at or below 350 percent of the federal income poverty level. A parent may be eligible if his income is at or below 200 percent below the poverty level. The family must not have insurance and must be U.S. citizens or legal immigrants with proof of citizenship.
Aged, Blind or Disabled
A person must be 65 years of age or older and meet the residency requirements. A blind or permanently disabled applicant must have his condition determined by the Social Security Administration or the Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services. Monthly income can be no more than $903 for an individual or $1,215 for couple, with no more than $4,000 in resources for an individual or $6,000 for a couple. The income of the applicant's spouse counts toward eligibility if the applicant is married. For disabled or blind applicants, the income of the parents or guardians is considered.
Pregnant Women
A pregnant woman applying for Medicaid must be a U.S. citizen or legal immigrant with proof of citizenship. Household income must be at or below 200 percent of the federal income poverty level. The allowed income limit for a family of four is $3,675. The woman will be covered during her pregnancy and 60 days following delivery, or the date the pregnancy ends (such as a miscarriage). Her child is eligible for Medicaid for a year regardless of any change in family income.