What Is a Florida Medicaid Waiver?
Florida instituted its Medicaid Waiver Program in 1994. Incremental changes since 1994 have affected the services provided and the funding for services. Before the advent of Medicaid Waivers, the state could use federal Medicaid money only on sanctioned institutions such as nursing homes.
Florida’s Medicaid Waiver Program allows Medicaid recipients to remain in their community with family and friends. Home- and community-based long-term care is preferable to institutional care for most patients. Florida benefits because the services provided cost a fraction of those provided at institutions.
Florida Waiver Programs typically have a funding cap and limit the number of people who can receive services. The waiting period to get into a waiver program can be months or years. Waiver eligibility does not transfer from one state to another. Families caring for a loved one who wish to move find it difficult to do so.
To be eligible for the Florida Waiver Programs, you must be a resident of Florida. You must require at least Level II nursing-home care. You must be financially eligible for Florida Medicaid.
Core Services
The Florida Department of Health lists the following core services provided by the Florida Waiver Programs: Adaptive Health and Wellness Services, Attendant Care Services, Assistive Technology and Adaptive Equipment, Behavioral Programming, Community Support Coordination, Companion Services, Life Skills Training, Environmental Accessibility Adaptation, Personal Adjustment Counseling, Rehab Engineering Evaluations, Personal Care Assistance and Consumable Medical Supplies.