How to Apply for Medicaid in Laurel, MD
Read through the following categories and see if any of them apply to you: you are over age 65 or under age 21, disabled, blind, pregnant or you are the current caregiver of a child whose parent is unable to support him as a result of being disabled, deceased, unemployed or not present for any other reason. You must also be a Maryland resident and U.S. citizen or have permanent residency status in the United States.
Find out if your income and assets fall within the limits set by Maryland's Medicaid program. The income and assets rules will vary depending on which eligibility category you belong to and how many members are in your family. For example, as of June 2010, the monthly income limit for a family of four under one Maryland Medicaid program for low-income families and children is $2,131 and the assets limit is $3,200.
Gather the following documentation: proof that you are a resident of Maryland, evidence of your citizenship or permanent status in the United States, proof of income and assets and information about your private health insurance, if any.
Call the Department of Social Services (DSS) office located nearest to Laurel. Since Laurel is located in Prince George's county, refer to the listing of DSS offices in Prince George's county to find a convenient location (see Resources). Find out whether you need to set up an appointment for your application interview, or if you could just walk in during office hours.
Download and complete the Application for Assistance (see Resources). You also can fill out the application when you go in for your eligibility interview at your local DSS.
Bring your application and supporting documents to your local DSS office at your assigned time (or during business hours if an appointment is not required). At the office, a case worker will review your application and ask to see your supporting documents. She will determine which eligibility category you fall into and determine if you qualify for Medicaid based on your income and assets.