How to Apply for Medicaid for Seniors

The Medicaid program is operated by states under federal guidelines and with federal assistance. Each state can make regulations and requirements within the federal guidelines, so state programs may vary. Seniors are entitled to Medicare at age 65, but Medicare does not pay for all expenses and Medicaid may not pay all remaining expenses. For those who qualify, a state Medicaid program may help.


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      Look at qualification requirements. Medicaid has low-income requirements and assets and resources thresholds. It is not sufficient to have low income. There are three basic groups who can get Medicaid: categorically needy, medically needy and special groups. Categorically needy includes seniors receiving Supplemental Security Income and individuals and couples living in a medical institution. Medically needy may apply to seniors, as it includes those who cannot qualify as categorically needy because they have resources and savings. Special groups may include those over 65 as well as blind and disabled, depending on the state. Review the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services information to be sure you qualify.

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      Find your state information and application. Each state has an established procedure for application for Medicaid. Once you believe you may qualify, locate the specific state website for the residence of the senior. See Resources below.

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      Complete the application for assistance for the state of residence. You will need your Social Security number, date of birth and information about your household, including Social Security numbers of anyone residing with you. You can apply for food stamps, medical assistance, temporary assistance for needy families, Medicare savings programs as well as long-term services and support, all on the same form. You will need income figures and expenses.

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      Make copies of documents to send with the application. Most states have a checklist. You will need a copy of your driver's license, Social Security card, last pay stub for work or any benefits, rent and mortgage documents, bank accounts and life insurance and burial policies. Confirm your United States citizenship as well as citizenship of the state.

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      Send the packet of information to the address shown on the website for the state. Some states notify applicants of receipt of the application and may schedule an appointment with a social worker.

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      Wait for a decision in writing that may take as much as 90 days. A denial of benefits can be appealed. The applicant may receive backdated approval so that expenses during the waiting period are covered.

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