Medicaid Enrollment Requirements in New Jersey
Must meet residency requirements
The State of New Jersey reports that in order to be considered eligible for Medicaid, an applicant must prove that he is a New Jersey resident, and that he is a U.S. citizen or an immigrant who arrived after August 22, 1996.
Must belong to a particular population
Only those who fall into certain population categories are eligible for Medicaid in the state of New Jersey. The categories include families that have dependent children, the elderly (65 years of age and older), people who are blind, people who are disabled and pregnant women.
Must meet income requirements
Medicaid is specially designed to help low-income individuals, so income is a major factor in determining eligibility. Requirements are based on the federal poverty guidelines. Income requirements vary depending on the eligible population category the applicant belongs to.
The state of New Jersey reports that children with a household income below 350 percent of the federal poverty level and parents and pregnant women with income below 200 percent of the federal poverty level meet eligibility requirements. Kaiser Family Foundation reports that the elderly, the blind and the disabled may make no more than 100 percent of the federal poverty level.
Must meet resource requirements
Resources, or assets, include things such as cars, bank accounts, or bonds. Individuals may not have resources that total more than $4,000, and married couples may not have more than $6,000.
May be medically needy
Those who are over the eligibility guidelines but have extraordinarily high medical bills may still qualify for Medicaid through the medically needy program. Qualified medical expenses are subtracted from the total income until the income that is left meets eligibility requirements. These individuals must also fall into qualifying population categories and must meet the resource requirements.
Must apply through the county welfare agency
Social workers are available to assist applicants. When they apply, they will have to show identification, proof of residency, proof of income and proof of resources. Those who are disabled may have to show proof of disability.