Idaho Medicaid Benefits
Standard State Plan
The Standard State Plan in Idaho includes services such as inpatient hospital services, general nursing, blood transfusions, semi-private rooms, speech, recovery, operating, delivery and birthing rooms. It can also include intensive care and routine care for infants, laboratory expenses, physicals, oxygen, coronary and intensive care units, drugs, inhalation, occupational and heath therapy and other medical benefits for illness or injury treatment. Applicants of this Medicaid plan have limited benefits and are not encouraged to choose this plan. Applicants are limited to these benefits: primary care, nurse midwife, family planning, over age 21 nursing home coverage, emergency, home health, hospital services, lab/x-ray, medical transportation and physical services.
Basic Benchmark Plan
The Basic Benchmark Plan covers average health low-income adults and children. The Basic Benchmark Plan includes all services on the Standard State Plan and other services such as, wellness, prevention and health benefits for adults and children who do not have any special health needs. Most Idaho Medicaid applicants will be enrolled in the Basic Benchmark Plan. Medicaid benefits include school-based services, nutrition, therapies, vision, prescription drugs, basic mental health, orthotics/prosthetics, dental, durable supplies and medical equipment and preventive health assistance.
Enhanced Benchmark Plan
The Enhanced Benchmark Plan targets applicants with special healthcare needs and disabilities. The Enhanced Benchmark Plan includes all Medicaid benefits in the Standard State and Basic Benchmark Plan along with other benefits. Medical services in this plan have prior authorization and medical eligibility requirements. Applicants with disabilities who have prior usage of the Enhanced Benchmark Plan medical services are automatically enrolled in the Enhanced Benchmark Plan. Medicaid benefits in this plan include private duty nursing, nursing facility, community and home based waiver services, psychosocial rehabilitation, ICR/MR, service coordination and ICF/MR.
Medicare-Medicaid Coordinated Benchmark Plan
Patients who have enrolled in Medicare and Medicaid are eligible for the Medicare-Medicaid Coordinated Benchmark Plan. The Medicare-Medicaid Coordinated Benchmark Plan will allow eligible individuals for Medicare and Medicare a chance to receive Medicare services from their Medicare Advantage Plan. Medicare Advantage Plan links with Medicaid to offer medical services not covered under Medicare. Medicaid benefits under this plan include ICF/MR, medical transportation, personal care services, home and community based waiver services, preventive health assistance, expanded dental, expanded nursing facility services, developmental disability services, psychosocial rehabilitation and specialized supplies and medical equipment.