How to Verify Medicaid Eligibility
Read over the information provided on the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services "Overview of Medicaid Eligibility" section, linked in the Resources section. This website provides comprehensive information that may aid you in determining if you are eligible for Medicaid. Be sure to click on the links to the "Are You Eligible?" and "Mandatory Eligibility Groups" pages. These links can be found on the left-hand side of the "Overview of Medicaid Eligibility" page.
Fill out a screening tool to determine if you are eligible for Medicaid. Once such screening tool is located on the GovBenefits website, linked in the Resources section. This tool is entitled "Take a Questionnaire" and will help you verify your Medicaid eligibility, as well as any other service you may be applying for. Fill out the screening tool with accurate information.
Contact your local Medicaid office. This can be done by visiting the Families USA web site's State Information page, linked in the Resources section. Click on your state. A box will pop up to the right of the map. Click on the "Government Links" link. Scroll down until you find the "State Government Links" text. Click on the link that directs you to your state's Medicaid website. Search the website and find the contact information on the page. By contacting your local Medicaid office, you will be able to ask questions that relate to your eligibility in your specific state.