Florida Medicaid Programs
Medicaid for Children Only
Parents or guardians can file for Medicaid for their child. To be approved, the family's income and assets must not over the limit set by Medicaid standards. The income limit is dependent on the number and ages of children living in the home. The program pays for health services such as check-ups, immunizations, dental appointments, and most other medical service the child may need.
Medicaid for Pregnant Women
Women living in Florida are eligible for Medicaid if the family has a monthly income that is under the poverty level, can provide proof of pregnancy and due date from a qualified health professional, and can provide proof of citizenship. Medicaid covers all needed doctors visits during pregnancy and continues two months after birth.
Medicaid for Low Income Families
Families may file for Medicaid for the entire family if they meet the financial eligibility requirements. Medicaid determines the amount of income a family can make in order to receive coverage. If the family makes greater than the income limit, the family will not qualify. The age and number of children and adults living in the household will determine the income level set by Medicaid. Service covered under Medicaid will include doctors visits, some dental care, and prescriptions.