California Medicaid Benefits
If enrolled in any of the following programs, you may eligible for Medi-Cal: refugee assistance, foster care or adoption assistance program, in-Home Supportive Services (IHSS), CalWorks (AFDC) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). You may also be eligible if you are elderly (age 65 and over), blind, disabled, under 21, pregnant, in a skilled nursing or immediate care home, on refugee status for a limited time (depending on how long you have been in the United States), a parent or caretaker relative or a child under 21 with a deceased parent or the parent doesn't live with the child. You also might be eligible if incapacitated, under employed or unemployed, or if you are a woman diagnosed with breast or cervical cancer.
You can get a Medi-Cal application online, by calling 916-445-4171, or visiting your local county social services office. Submit your application by dropping it off at or mailing it to your county social services office. You will need to submit proof of identity, such as a birth certificate, California state-issued identification card or driver's license. You must also show your Social Security card, proof of income, such as pay stubs, Social Security award letter, or for self-employed, last year's federal income tax return, and proof of qualifying deductible expenses, such as child support, medical care and alimony.
Medi-Cal covers medical services, including long-term care, mental health, physician services, drug and alcohol treatment, and inpatient care. It also covers allied health services, including acupuncture, chiropractic, emergency and non-emergency medical transportation, vision and dental care, prescription drugs, medical equipment and other medical services and equipment.
Medi-Cal waivers provide coverage for services necessary for specific populations, including individuals with HIV/AIDS, developmentally disabled, mentally retarded and individuals in-need of nursing home care. Waivers include the Assisted Living Waiver Pilot Project, AIDS Medi-Cal Waiver Program, Developmentally Disabled waiver, Multipurpose Senior Service Waiver Program (MSSP), In-Home Operations and Nursing Facility/Acute Hospital waivers. Contact your local county social services office to get enrollment instructions for waiver programs.
Presumptive Eligibility
Presumptive Eligibility (PE) for pregnant women allows qualified providers to give pregnant women temporary coverage under Medi-Cal for pregnancy-related medical expenses, including ambulatory prenatal care, prescription drugs and other necessary prenatal services. Coverage under PE extends until approval of the individual's formal Medi-Cal application.