How to Qualify for Medicaid Assisted Living
Make sure your state offers Medicaid coverage for assisted living. Many states have this coverage, but some do not. Some states only cover payments for nursing home care, for certain services or for a certain length of time at an assisted living facility. The best way to find out is to contact the Medicaid office in your area.
Make sure you meet the age qualification. The minimum age for any elderly person to receive any type of assistance is 65, unless that person is also permanently disabled, in which case the age limit may be adjusted.
Find out what the income qualifications are for Medicaid coverage of assisted living facilities. In the states that offer coverage, income must be very low, sometimes as low as $600 a month. You will have to prove, through your own asset records and employment, that you meet the income requirements.
Understand that the degree of mobility and self-sufficiency of the individual seeking assisted living coverage is also an important factor. If he requires constant surveillance and round-the-clock care, then Medicaid may be more likely to offer nursing home coverage only. If he is more mobile and self-sufficient, then Medicaid will not cover as much.
Apply for a Home and Community Based Services waiver. This allows states to selectively offer benefits to certain individuals. In some states, only people with this waiver can receive assistance. Some states allow Medicaid coverage for assisted living without this waiver, but consult your Medicaid office to find out. Contact the Medicaid office to find out how to apply.
Investigate the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE). PACE provides nursing home and assisted living benefits to certain individuals over 55 who live in a PACE service area, through Medicaid and Medicare. See the Resources section to find out if PACE is available in your area.