Medicaid Guidelines When Moving Out of State
If you have serious health issues and are on Medicaid, it is important to plan carefully in order to avoid losing coverage. Be sure to follow the rules carefully or you may find yourself without necessary health care.
Old State Reporting Requirements
In the state you are moving from, you must report that you have moved. Be sure to plan this carefully as if you report ahead of time and end up not moving, you will have to apply for coverage all over again.
Application Process
When you arrive at your new home, you must apply for Medicaid in the state you currently reside in. Be sure to call the state Medicaid office before you move to plan accordingly.
Eligibility Guidelines
Medicaid is a state-run program which means that eligibility requirements vary from one state to the next. You may qualify in your old state but not in the new one. Research eligibility requirements ahead of time.
Can I Transfer?
Because Medicaid is administered by individual states, you cannot transfer coverage from one state to another. Also, the new state cannot open Medicaid for you until the old case is closed, which sometimes cannot occur until the end of the month in which you reported your move.