How to Bill Medicaid Claims
Contact your state's Medicaid office to obtain a copy of the state-specific claim form and submission instructions. The National Association of State Medicaid Directors maintains a list of contact information for each state's Medicaid program (see Resources).
Obtain the HCPCS code for your medical services or supplies that you want reimbursement for. If you are unsure of which code to use, you may contact 800-MEDICARE to obtain the service code.
Obtain the name, address, phone number and National Provider Identifier (NPI) for the provider of service and write this information in the blanks. If you are a patient completing the claim, you will need to contact the medical provider directly to obtain the NPI.
Fill out the patient information on the claim form. You will need the patient's name, address, date of birth, Social Security number, Medicaid number and a listing of medical diagnoses that the service or supply was used to treat. If you are unsure of the Medicaid number, you may contact the state's Medicaid office to obtain this number.
Submit the claim form per the instructions provided by the state's Medicaid office. In many cases, you may be able to submit the claim electronically. Otherwise, you will need to fax or mail the claim form to the state's Medicaid claim processing unit.