Medicaid Requirements in Idaho
Program Requirements
Residents of Idaho who are U.S. citizens, permanent residents or legal aliens may qualify for Medicaid. Recipients must be low income as determined by federal guidelines. Eligibility is sometimes extended to women who are pregnant, parents or relatives who are caretakers for dependent children under the age of 19. Blind or disabled persons or those with blind or disabled family members in the household and some people over age 65 may also be eligible.
Income Requirements
The income guidelines chart found on the Internet at provide a quick check for income levels required for eligibility. When the income before taxes of all household members is added, it can be checked on the chart. A single adult with no children, for example, would be limited to an income of less than $205 monthly in order to qualify for Medicaid in Idaho. A family of four would have to have income no greater than $382 in order to be eligible for the benefits.
Plan Requirements
Idaho has three different Medicaid plans assigned according to the needs of the recipients. The Department of Health and Welfare website describes them in the following way, "The Medicaid Basic Plan is for healthy low-income children and adults with eligible dependent children. This plan provides complete health, prevention, and wellness benefits for children and adults who don't have special health needs. Most Medicaid participants will be enrolled in this benefit plan. The Medicaid is for participants with disabilities or special health needs. This plan includes all benefits in the Basic Plan, plus additional benefits. The Medicare-Medicaid Coordinated Plan is for participants who are eligible and enrolled for both Medicare and Medicaid."
Application Requirements
The income guidelines chart listed on the Department of Health and Welfare website is only a guide and people using it should also check their eligibility in person at the local office of the local Department of Health and Welfare office. Addresses for these are found under the "Contact" link at Applicants will be required to provided information and proof of income, residency, and family composition when filling out their applications. This extends to anyone living in the household even if not related. If not eligible for Medicaid, some families with children may be able to enroll them in other healthcare programs for low income families.