How to Get Medicaid in California
To be eligible to receive Medic-Cal health assistance, you must be a resident of the state of California. You must also be a U.S. national, a citizen, a permanent resident or a legal alien. If you belong to one of these categories, you must also be classified as having low-income or very low-income. If you are a resident of the state of California and already receive financial assistance from Social Security, Refugee Assistance, Foster Care or Adoption Assistance Program or the CalWorks welfare program, you may qualify for Medi-Cal.
Income Levels
The state of California uses Federal Poverty Levels to determine its low-income qualification criteria. There are many different calculations depending on the applicant’s income and required Medi-Cal program. All persons at the 100 percent poverty level will qualify. The California Department of Health Services' website has more detailed information on income levels and eligibility.
Other Criteria
There are other criteria that are likely to qualify you for some level of Medi-Cal assistance. If you are aged 65 or over, under 21 years of age, pregnant, disabled or blind, you are likely to be eligible. Medi-Cal coverage is also likely to be granted if you are resident in a skilled nursing or care home. Parents and caretakers of a child under 21 when a parent is deceased, not living with the child or unemployed are commonly covered. If you have refugee status, you may also be granted Medi-Cal assistance.
Application Form
You can apply to get Medi-Cal in person or by mail. Application forms are available from your local County Social Services office and online (see References). Staff at the County Social Services office can assist if you need help completing the form. The form requires you to provide information on income, assets, marital status, children, residency and other benefits that you may receive.
Application Processing
Hand in or mail your completed form with the stated verifications of identity and income status to the County Social Services office. If you receive Social Security or CalWorks payments, your Medi-Cal application will be processed automatically; you do not have to apply separately for Medi-Cal. When the County Social Security office has received your application, it will be assigned to an eligibility officer who will review it and contact you if further documentation is required. An application for an individual without a disability will be processed within 45 days, while it may take up to 90 days for those with disabilities.
Verification Documents
To substantiate the information supplied on the form, you need to provide verification documents with your application form. All applicants will need to supply a social security card; proof of residence, such as rent or mortgage receipts; and details of earned income, such as pay slips. In addition, you must supply documents detailing savings, investments and insurance polices; an ID document, such as a birth certificate or passport; and details of other income, such as alimony payments and other benefits. If applicable, you will also need to supply your residence card or visa and vehicle registration. The eligibility officer will take copies of the documents and return the originals to you.