Loss of VA Benefits & Medicaid
Time Frame
If you receive a letter stating that your VA benefits or Medicaid have been discontinued, you must submit an appeal letter within a certain time frame. It is recommended that the appeal request is submitted to your local office within 10 days of the date on the letter.
One of the most common reasons for losing benefits is failure to comply with submitting paperwork or attending necessary recertification appointments. Ensure that your address and phone number are up to date and keep track of any upcoming appointments and/or documentation that must be submitted.
For many disabled veterans, the only source of income and health coverage is through the VA. Many low-income individuals only have Medicaid as their insurance coverage. The appeals and reinstatement process can be lengthy and result in significant financial stress.
The process of reinstating VA benefits or Medicaid coverage may be handled by contacting a caseworker who turns the benefits back on, the case may be reviewed by a disability specialist or an administrative law judge or you may have to attend a court hearing. The process is largely determined by the reason for losing benefits and the time frame between losing benefits and filing an appeal for reinstatement.
You have the right to representation during the reinstatement process. This can be a friend or family member, an entitlement specialist from a mental health agency or another agency or an attorney.