The Effects of Medicaid Reimbursement Rates on Access to Dental Care

Broadly defined as a government program which extends healthcare coverage to under-served populations through subsidization, Medicaid has been expanded greatly over the past few decades. The evolution of eligibility requirements and provider reimbursement rates greatly affect the accessibility of health and dental care. Medicaid reimbursement rates affect the number of providers participating as well as the number of services offered.
  1. Medicaid Reimbursement Rates Must Meet Costs For Minimum Access

    • Medicaid reimbursement rate increases are necessary to improve patient access to dental care. An increased number of dentists participate in Medicaid programs in states which improve their Medicaid reimbursement rates. Dentists generally incur costs which are 60 to 65 percent of the fees they charge. Thus, in order for Medicaid reimbursement rates to be meaningful, they must at least reach this mark which would allow participants to essentially break even.

    Expanded Access With Reimbursement Rates Competing With Private Insurers

    • Medicaid reimbursement rates which are increased above this minimum cost threshold greatly help to increase access to dental care in a state. As reimbursement rates approach rates which compete with private insurance providers, an increasing number of dentists have incentive to provide more services to Medicaid patients.

    Increasing "Hourly" Reimbursement Rates Further Improves Dental Care Access

    • In addition to the usual and customary reimbursement rates, the net income of dental groups is affected by the degree of paperwork accompanying Medicaid reimbursement rates. Many dentists provide less care to Medicaid recipients due to the significant amount of paperwork that is required for payment. A decrease in the administrative burden required of dental groups would increase access to dental care by essentially increasing the net hourly Medicaid reimbursement rate received by dentists.

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