How to Find Out If My Medicaid Is Active?
Things You'll Need
- Telephone
- Medicaid card
- Social Security number, date of birth and other identifying information
Obtain your state's Medicaid office contact information from the National Association of State Medicaid Directors website, a link to which is included in the "Resources" section of this article. If you do not have access to the Internet, you can call NASMD at (202) 682-0100. If you have your Medicaid number, skip to Step 3. If you do not, continue to Step 2.
Call your state Medicaid office in order to obtain your Medicaid number. If your state has an online search engine for obtaining your Medicaid number, you may utilize it. However, most states do not offer this feature. You will need your Social Security number, date of birth, full legal name and address in order to obtain your Medicaid number.
Contact your local or state Medicaid office in order to verify the status of your Medicaid coverage. If you have your Medicaid card, this number is typically listed on the back of the card. If you do not have your card, you may use the number used in Step 2 to verify your Medicaid status.