Does Medicaid Cover Transportation?
Obtaining Medicaid coverage
Apply for Medicaid coverage at your local department of social services. You need proof of your age, proof of income (if any), proof of where you live, proof of any other medical benefits you currently receive and any insurance policies you hold. Eligibility for a child depends on the child's citizen status, and not the parents.
States Manage Medicaid Differently
Check your state's guidelines regarding all Medicaid transportation options. Because individual states manage Medicaid, their regulations might vary. Do not assume that one regulation in one state translates to another state. Document any improper activities regarding your transportation, and contact Medicaid regarding any complaints.
Coverage for Transportation
Non-emergency transportation is defined as a service that is medically necessary transportation when no other means of transportation is available. Most transportation services to an approved health facility are covered by Medicaid. Exceptions might be due to age, financial circumstances, living arrangements, location of transportation needed, family situation or transfer of resource requirements. You might be required to provide a co-pay.
With the exception of emergency situations, approval of transportation must occur before transportation is executed. Either you, an authorized person or the facility receiving transportation must seek prior approval.
Emergency Transportation
Medicaid might cover emergency medical transportation under emergency circumstances. This might be via ground or air. You do not need to be pre-approved for emergency transportation. Providers of ambulance services bill Medicaid.
All transportation services must be the most cost-effective means possible. A proper vehicle must be provided, so a wheelchair-bound person would need a wheelchair-access vehicle. When obtaining approval, ask where you will have to pay a co-pay. Funds to pay for transportation services will not go to you. Your transportation service will be funded directly to the facility providing the service.
Transportation providers
If you provide transportation services for a person in your care, you might be eligible for reimbursement. Check the guidelines for your at-home health-care provider. Also check with your state's Medicaid department before transportation is needed.