How to Qualify for Medicaid in Ohio
Things You'll Need
- Phone
- State issued ID
- Social security card
- Birth certificate or proof of citizenship
- Utility or trash bill
- Paycheck stubs
- Tax records
To qualify for Ohio Medicaid, you must register with family services. To start the process contact your local family services department found in your phone book or call (800) 325-8686 for phone support. You will then visit with a Medicaid counselor and will need to submit required documentations to qualify.
Medicaid participants must fall into one of the following groups: children up to age 19, pregnant women, adults over the age of 65, individuals with disabilities that limits employability and family's living below poverty level.
Verify qualifications of income guidelines by submitting copies of all family members social security cards, paycheck stubs for four weeks and the previous years tax records. Be prepared to show statements of assets and various income. A house were you reside is not considered but if you have two houses the worth of the second house will be added to total assets. Cars may also be counted as assets, depending on the use on the car.
Verify Ohio residency and United States citizenship. A copy of a utility or trash bill with current address is required as well. If a family member is born out of state, a copy of the birth certificate is also required. If the applicant was not born in the United States, other proof of citizenship is required.
After submitting all required documentation, follow up with your Medicaid counselor. If income or living situations change, proper paperwork must be filled out to avoid being disqualified. Failing to report changes could end in being prosecuted for Medicaid fraud.
* You must meet certain limits on income and assets.