How to Apply for Medical Eligibility
Things You'll Need
- Computer
- Phone
- Personal identification
- Tax forms
- Financial documentation
- Medical documentation
Log online and/or call or visit your state Department of Health Care Services. Contact a representative and inform them with the details of your personal situation. Inquire about medical care programs eligibility and obtain online or hard copy applications to fill out and complete.
Apply for Medicaid if you are financial insecure or have a physical or mental disability that disallows you to work. Call the federal Medicaid office through the Department of Health and Human Services at: 1-800-MEDICAID. Ask the representative about monthly income limits that for receiving Medicaid assistance. In Maryland, for example, a monthly income cannot exceed $350. Provide copies of current personal identification -- social security card and driver's license, for instance -- with your application and all necessary financial and/or medical documentation to validate your claim. Note if you have any children and if they live with you at your residence.
Contact the Social Security Administration to apply for Medicare at: 1-800-772-1213. Fill out a Medicare application if you are 65 years of age or older. Inform the representative and note on the application if you currently below 65 years old but receive Social Security benefits and/or if you End-Stage Renal Disease -- as this can expedite your opportunity to receive Medicare benefits. Provide proof of age, identification and any necessary medical records with your application.