How much does a doctor make per hour?

The hourly wage of a doctor varies depending on several factors, including their specialty, experience level, location, and type of practice. Here's a general range of hourly wages for doctors in the United States:

- Family Medicine: $80 - $120 per hour

- Internal Medicine: $90 - $130 per hour

- Pediatrics: $90 - $135 per hour

- Surgery: $120 - $180 per hour

- Dermatology: $130 - $190 per hour

- Ophthalmology: $140 - $200 per hour

- Radiology: $145 - $210 per hour

- Anesthesiology: $150 - $220 per hour

- Orthopedic Surgery: $160 - $230 per hour

- Plastic Surgery: $170 - $240 per hour

- Neurosurgery: $180 - $250 per hour

- Cardiothoracic Surgery: $190 - $260 per hour

Hourly wages can also be influenced by factors such as overtime, call duty, and hospital-based versus private practice settings. Additionally, income from insurance reimbursements, fees for procedures, and patient copays can contribute to a doctor's overall compensation.

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