How much malpractice insurance does a CRNA need?
The amount of malpractice insurance a CRNA needs depends on several factors, including the state in which they practice, the number of years of experience they have, and the type of practice they have. In general, CRNAs should carry at least $1 million in malpractice insurance, but some states may require higher limits. For example, California requires CRNAs to carry at least $2 million in malpractice insurance.
CRNAs who have more years of experience may also need to carry higher limits of malpractice insurance. This is because they are more likely to be sued for malpractice, and the damages that they may be liable for could be higher. CRNAs who have a high-risk practice, such as those who work in a teaching hospital or who perform complex procedures, may also need to carry higher limits of malpractice insurance.
It is important for CRNAs to shop around for malpractice insurance to get the best possible rate. They should also make sure that the policy they purchase provides them with adequate coverage.