How do you dispute invalid prescriber npi number on a pharmacy audit?

Step 1: Gather evidence.

Collect the following evidence to support your dispute:

* A copy of the disputed claim form.

* A copy of the prescriber's NPI number.

* A copy of the prescriber's state license.

* A letter from the prescriber stating that the NPI number on the claim form is incorrect.

Step 2: Write a letter of dispute.

Send a letter of dispute to the pharmacy audit contractor. The letter should include the following information:

* Your name and contact information.

* The name and contact information of the prescriber.

* The date of the disputed claim.

* The claim number.

* The reason for the dispute.

* Copies of the evidence you have gathered.

Step 3: Follow up.

Follow up with the pharmacy audit contractor to ensure that they have received your letter of dispute and are taking action to resolve the issue.

Step 4: Appeal the decision (if necessary).

If the pharmacy audit contractor denies your dispute, you may have the right to appeal the decision. The process for appealing a decision will vary depending on the state in which you live.

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