Can a collection agency report you to the credit bureau if are making monthly payments on your medical bill?
If you have a payment plan in place with the medical provider, the collection agency may not report you to the credit bureau as long as you are making payments on time and in full.
However, if you miss a payment or default on the payment plan, the collection agency may report you to the credit bureau.
It's important to communicate with the collection agency and make sure they are aware of your payment plan. You should also keep records of your payments in case there is a dispute.
If you are concerned about being reported to the credit bureau, you can contact the collection agency and request a "pay for delete" agreement. This means that the collection agency will agree to remove the negative information from your credit report if you pay the debt in full.
You can also file a dispute with the credit bureau if you believe that the collection agency has reported inaccurate information. You can do this online or by mail.