How much money does a MD make?
For example, orthopedic surgeons are the highest-paid physicians, with an average annual income of $511,000, while pediatricians are the lowest-paid, with an average annual income of $219,000. Physicians with more years of experience typically earn more than those with less experience. And those who work in private practice tend to earn more than those who work in hospitals or clinics.
The geographic location of a physician's practice can also make a difference in compensation. Physicians who practice in urban areas typically earn more than those who practice in rural areas.
In addition to their base salary, physicians may also earn bonuses and other incentives. For example, some hospitals and clinics offer bonuses for physicians who meet certain quality metrics or who bring in a certain amount of revenue.
Overall, the average annual income of a physician in the United States is $291,000, but there is significant variation in compensation depending on a number of factors.