How much is physicians salary?
Here is a breakdown of average salaries for some common physician specialties:
Primary Care Physicians: $208,000
Family Medicine: $221,000
Internal Medicine: $233,000
Pediatrics: $238,000
Obstetrics and Gynecology: $243,000
Surgical Specialties: $341,000
Cardiovascular Surgery: $483,000
Neurosurgery: $468,000
Orthopedic Surgery: $448,000
Plastic Surgery: $438,000
Urology: $433,000
Medical Specialties: $400,000
Anesthesiology: $388,000
Dermatology: $410,000
Gastroenterology: $415,000
Ophthalmology: $416,000
Psychiatry: $417,000
Radiology: $418,000
It's important to note that these figures represent average salaries and there can be significant variation within each specialty. Factors such as geographic location, practice setting, years of experience, and additional qualifications can all affect a physician's salary.