What is the monthly salary of a cardiologist in UK?
Generally, the monthly salary range for cardiologists in the UK is as follows:
1. Foundation Year 2 (FY2) - £2,800 - £3,250
2. Core Medical Training (CMT) - £3,250 - £3,800
3. Specialty Training Year 3 (ST3) - £4,000 - £4,500
4. Specialty Training Year 4 (ST4) - £4,500 - £5,000
5. Specialty Training Year 5 (ST5) - £5,000 - £5,500
6. Specialty Training Year 6 (ST6) - £5,500 - £6,000
7. Specialty Training Year 7 (ST7) - £6,000 - £6,500
8. Consultant - £7,000 - £11,000+ (depending on experience and responsibilities)
Please note that these figures are approximate and may vary slightly based on location and individual circumstances. Additionally, cardiologists may be eligible for additional payments such as overtime, on-call allowances, and specialty pay supplements.